NWALL-SWALLT Conference Write-Up
Conference Write-up by SWALLT President Kelsey White
Conference Write-up by SWALLT President Kelsey White
SWALLT/ NWALLT 2018 Dates: April 20-21, 2018 (Fri. & Sat.) Theme (and topics): The Post-Lab Era: roles of LRCs and labs, transitioning from all F2F to hybrid formats, mobile-assisted language learning, teacher training, and assessment Host: University of Washington Language Learning Center Conference Materials: https://depts.washington.edu/nwallt/conferences.php Cost: $50 for General Public (includes SWALLT membership & conference registration) $20 for Students…
SWALLT 2016 Digital Humanities and Foreign Language Learning Dates: April 1 – 2, 2016 Host Institution: Language Acquisition Resource Center, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA Conference Program Conference Materials Conference Flyer Language Resource Centers have been a gathering point for the advent of digital technology in the learning and teaching of foreign languages. We…
The opening of the UCSF Library’s new Teaching and Learning Center (http://tlc.ucsf.edu) brought together a number of departments and services into one location: interprofessional smart classrooms, the Kanbar Center for clinical simulation and telemedicine, and the Technology Commons, which houses a large lab, a computer classroom, a number of multimedia workstations with specialized hardware and software, as well as support staff for both informational and…